'Romonta GmbH' - HRB 207576 beim Amtsgericht 39576 Stendal Credit Report
'Romonta GmbH'
operates within the Mining of lignite industry.
It was incorporated in 1993.
Its headquarters are located at Chausseestraße 1 Seegebiet Mansfelder Land 6317.
The company number for 'Romonta GmbH' is HRB 207576 beim Amtsgericht 39576 Stendal,
with a safe number DE01715085.
Company Name:
'Romonta GmbH'
Company Address:
Chausseestraße 1 Seegebiet Mansfelder Land 6317
Incorporation Date:
Organisation Number:
HRB 207576 beim Amtsgericht 39576 Stendal
Safe Number:
Phone Number:
Risk Prognosis:
Audit Comment:
Director Change:
Company Type:
Private Limited Company
052, Mining of lignite
Payments Analysis:
Credit Score:
Credit Limit:
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Headquarters Location
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Financial Data
Latest filings (2023)
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Frequently asked questions
Where is 'Romonta GmbH' headquarters?
What is 'Romonta GmbH''s industry?
What is 'Romonta GmbH''s phone number?
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What year was 'Romonta GmbH' incorporated?
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