Creditsafe Business Index Report

Creditsafe Business Index Report Dassen Agrikultuur B.V. - 0463.191.529 Credit Report

Dassen Agrikultuur B.V. operates within the Cultivation of cereals (with the exception of rice), leguminous plants and oil-bearing seeds industry. It was incorporated in 1998. Its headquarters are located at Het Bat Maastricht 6211 18. The company number for Dassen Agrikultuur B.V. is 0463.191.529, with a safe number BE00390798.
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Company Name:
Dassen Agrikultuur B.V.
Company Address:
Het Bat Maastricht 6211 18
Incorporation Date:
Company Number:
Safe Number:
Risk Prognosis:
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Audit Comment:
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Director Change:
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Company Type:
Foreign Enterprise
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Credit Score:
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Credit Limit:
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Padlock Image hidden.hidden.hidden.hidden.hidden
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Industry Benchmark

How does Dassen Agrikultuur B.V. compare to the averages within its industry.

Average Industry Credit Score Comparison
Average Industry Credit Limit Comparison
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms Comparison

Adverse payment profiles

Days Beyond Terms:
Adverse Payments:
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Frequently asked questions

Where is Dassen Agrikultuur B.V. headquarters?
What is Dassen Agrikultuur B.V.'s industry?
What year was Dassen Agrikultuur B.V. incorporated?
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